23-27 May 2016
Europe/Madrid timezone

Dynamical Generation of Soft Supersymmetry Breaking Masses  -- towards a viable model of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking

25 May 2016, 15:00
Contributed talk SUSY/Higgs/BSM SUSY 3


Otto Kong (National Central University, Taiwan)


Simple dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking model via the NJL mechanism cannot be phenomenologically viable unless with supersymmetry. The supersymmetric case requires input soft supersymmetry breaking mass. To find a way to get to a model  a good model witout any input masses, we constructed a simple model with supersymmetry itself dynamically broken by anothor NJL-type four-superfield interaction which directly  generates the soft mass. The presentation willl discuss the model and sketch the path towards the desired simple supersymmetric SM with composite Higgs superfields and all masses generated dynamically, without the need for a hidden sector and mediating sector.

Primary author

Otto Kong (National Central University, Taiwan)

Presentation Materials

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