Formal Theory Developments
- Esperanza Lopez (Instituto de Fisica Teorica-UAM/CSIC)
Formal Theory Developments
- Koji Hashimoto ()
Allocated time includes time for questions as follows: 15 (13+2), 20 (17+3), 30 (25+5)
Roman Nevzorov
(University of Adelaide)
05/07/2014, 11:30
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
In $N=1$ supergravity (SUGRA) supersymmetric (SUSY) and non-supersymmetric Minkowski vacua originating in the hidden
sector can be degenerate. This allows for consistent
implementation of the multiple point principle (MPP)
assumption. We present no--scale inspired SUGRA model
where the MPP assumption is realised at the tree--level
without extra fine-tuning. In the supersymmetric...
Gopinath Kamath
(Indian Institute of Technology Madras)
05/07/2014, 12:00
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
This talk has two highlights: a. The utility of the Dirac δ – function as an aid to repetitive integration in multiple integrals, and b. An extension to 3 + 1 dimensional stationary curved space of a recent effort by the author in 2 + 1 dimensional stationary curved space to determine the zeta function for the Lagrangian density for a real massive scalar field using the Schwinger operator...
Koji Hashimoto
(Osaka university / RIKEN)
05/07/2014, 12:30
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
We analyze vacuum instability of strongly coupled gauge theories in a constant
electric field using AdS/CFT correspondence. The model is the N = 2 1-flavor
supersymmetric large Nc QCD in the strong ’t Hooft coupling limit. We calculate the
Euler-Heisenberg effective Lagrangian L(E), which encodes the nonlinear response
and the quantum decay rate of the vacuum in a background electric field E,...
torrente-lujan emilio
(universidad de murcia)
05/07/2014, 13:00
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
We present a detailed description of $N=2$ stationary
BPS multicenter black hole solutions for quadratic prepotentials
with an arbitrary number of centers and scalar fields
making a systematic use of the algebraic properties of the matrix of second derivatives of the prepotential, $\mathcal{S}$, which in this case is a scalar-independent matrix. In particular we obtain bounds on the...
Carlos Naya
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE))
05/07/2014, 15:00
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
In this talk, we will present a concrete model of a low energy effective field theory of QCD, the well-known Skyrme Model. Specifically, we will work with the BPS submodel [1] in order to describe the binding energies of nuclei. This BPS Skyrme model is charaterized by having a saturated bound for the energy proportional to the baryon number of the nuclei. After presenting this classical...
Ioannis Papadimitriou
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC)
05/07/2014, 15:30
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
Holographic techniques have been instrumental in understanding certain aspects of strongly correlated systems, both in high energy and condensed matter physics. One of the most interesting applications of holography in the condensed matter setting is the study of quantum critical points exhibiting Lifshitz or hyperscaling violating Lifshitz symmetry. Although various aspects of the holographic...
William Bardeen
05/07/2014, 16:00
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
I demonstrate the existence of a massive phase in a conformally invariant U(N)
Chern-Simons gauge theory in D=3 with matter fields in the fundamental representation. These
models have attracted recent attention as being dual, in the conformal phase, to theories of
higher spin gravity on AdS_4. Using the ‘t Hooft large N expansion, exact solutions are
obtained for scalar current...
Alessandro Fabbri
(Centro Fermi / Univ. Bologna / IFIC (CSIC))
05/07/2014, 16:30
Formal Theory Developments
Oral presentation
We present a family of exact solutions, depending on two parameters
alpha and b (related to the scalar field strength), to the three-dimensional Einstein-scalar field equations with negative cosmological constant.
For b = 0 these solutions reduce to the static BTZ family of vacuum
solutions, with mass M =-alpha. For nonvanishing b, the solutions become
dynamical and develop a strong...