2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Probing CP violation in B0s -> K0Spipi decays

4 Jul 2014, 12:30
Sala 8+9 ()

Sala 8+9

Oral presentation Flavour Physics Flavour Physics


Mr. Rafael Silva Coutinho (University of Warwick)


The three-body charmless hadronic decay B0s -> K0SKpi provides a number of novel possibilities to search for CP violation effects and test the Standard Model of particle physics. These include model-dependent and model-independent comparisons of the Dalitz plot distributions of the decay-time-integrated K0SK+pi- and K0SK-pi+ final states, decay-time-dependent (but without initial state flavour tagging) fits to the Dalitz plot distributions, as well as full decay-time-dependent and flavour tagged fits. The relative sensitivities of these different approaches are investigated.

Primary authors

Mr. Rafael Silva Coutinho (University of Warwick) Dr. Thomas Latham (University of Warwick) Tim Gershon (University of Warwick and CERN)

Presentation Materials


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