Jie Lu
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
We study the Effective Field Theory of three QCD-like theories: which can be classified by having quarks in a complex, real or pseudo-real representation of gauge group. We wrote their effective field theories in a very similar way so that the calculations can be done using techniques from chiral perturbation theory.
We calculated the vacuum-expectation-value, the mass and the decay constant of pseudo-Goldstone Bosons up to next-to-next-to leading order (NNLO) in the first paper.
The various channels of general meson-meson scattering of the three cases were systematically studied and calculated up to NNLO in the second paper.
In the third paper, we calculated the vector, axial-vector, scalar, pseudo-scalar two-point functions and pseudo-scalar decay constant up NNLO order.
We also obtained the analytic S parameter for those different QCD-like theories at the TeV scale. Our results can be used for chiral extrapolation in lattice calculation on strong dynamical theory.
It might be also useful for research on the theory about finite baryon density.
Primary authors
Jie Lu
(IFIC, University of Valencia)
Johan Bijnens
(Lund University)