Seminars IFIC

IFIC Seminar: Neutrinos as a Window to New Physics

by Simone Marciano (IFIC UV-CSIC)

Primera-1-1-1 - Paterna. Seminario (IFIC)

Primera-1-1-1 - Paterna. Seminario



Despite its great success, a compelling evidence suggesting that the Standard Model of particle physics is not the ultimate theory arises from neutrino flavor oscillations, indicating the existence of at least two non-zero neutrino masses and mixing. As neutrino physics progresses into the precision era, neutrinos continue to play a central yet enigmatic role in particle physics, nuclear physics, and astrophysics. Addressing the challenges posed by neutrino masses and mixing not only deepens our understanding of fundamental physics but also unveils intriguing connections to potential New Physics scenarios. These range from the possible existence of additional Higgs-like scalar particles to an elegant explanation for the baryon asymmetry of the Universe


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