Workshop CSIC Strategic Theme "Understanding the basic components of the Universe, its structure and evolution"

from Wednesday, 22 February 2023 (10:00) to Thursday, 23 February 2023 (14:30)
Salón de Actos CSIC

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Feb 2023
23 Feb 2023
10:00 Opening - VICYT   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:20 Introduction - Rainer Schödel (IAA (CSIC)) Maria Jose Costa (IFIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 1: Origin of mass of elementary particles - Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/CSIC (Madrid)) Alicia Calderon (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (Univ. of Cantabria - CSIC)) (until 11:30) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:30 Measurements of Higgs properties and future strategies - Alicia Calderon (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (Univ. of Cantabria - CSIC)) Alicia Calderon (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (Univ. of Cantabria - CSIC))   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:40 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:50 Theoretical status and perspectives on Higgs physics - Sven Heinemeyer (IFT/CSIC (Madrid))   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:00 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:10 Status of neutrino measurements - Michele Maltoni (Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:20 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 6: Understanding the cycle of matter in the Universe - Francisco Najarro (Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)) Javier Goicoechea (IFF) (until 12:30) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:30 Overview: Understanding the cycle of matter in the Universe - Francisco Najarro (Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA)) Javier Goicoechea (IFF)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
12:00 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 9: New developments in geometry and mathematical analysis driven by the equations of physics - Fernando Marchesano (IFT) Alberto Enciso (ICMAT) (until 10:00) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
09:00 Physics driving mathematical analysis and geometry - Javier Aramayona (ICMAT) Alberto Enciso (ICMAT)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
09:15 Mathematical challenges for plasmas in equilibrium - Daniel Peralta   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
09:35 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 8: New instrumentation and techniques for understanding the Universe, its sctructure and evolution - Carlos Lacasta (IFIC-Valencia) Lourdes Fàbrega (ICMAB) (until 11:00) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:00 Overview: New instrumentation and techniques for understanding the Universe, its sctructure and evolution - Lourdes Fàbrega (ICMAB) Carlos Lacasta (IFIC-Valencia)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
10:30 Discussion - Carlos Lacasta (IFIC-Valencia) Lourdes Fàbrega (ICMAB)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:00 --- Coffee break ---
Challenge 10: Understanding matter and radiation under extreme conditions - Nanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC) Miguel Perez-Torres (IAA-CSIC) (until 12:30) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
11:30 Overview: Understanding matter and radiation under extreme conditions - Miguel Perez-Torres (IAA-CSIC) Nanda Rea (CSIC-IEEC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
12:00 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
12:30 --- Coffee break ---
Challenge 3: Solving Quantum Chromodynamics - Laura Tolos (IEEC-CSIC) Pilar Hernandez (University of Valencia) (until 14:00) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
13:00 QCD and applications to fundamental physics - Alberto Ramos Martinez (IFIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
13:20 QCD and applications to nuclear physics and matter in extreme conditions - Miguel Albaladejo (IFIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
13:35 Round Table   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
14:00 --- Lunch break ---
Challenge 4: Origin and fate of the Universe - Martin Crocce (ICE) rocio vilar (instituto de fisica de cantabria/UC) (until 16:00) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
15:00 Key Challenges: Goals and impact in the future - Gianluca Calcagni (IEM)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
15:15 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
15:30 Strategy: Towards the objectives experiments and needs - rocio vilar (instituto de fisica de cantabria/UC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
15:45 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 5: Formation and evolution of galaxies and large structures -Dr. Jose Miguel Mas Hesse (Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA)) Jose Manuel Vilchez (IAA-CSIC) (until 17:00) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
16:00 Overview: Formation and evolution of galaxies and large structures - Jose Miguel Mas Hesse (Centro de Astrobiologia (CSIC-INTA)) Miguel Ángel Sanchez-Conde (IFT) Miriam García (CAB) Jose Manuel Vilchez (IAA-CSIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
16:30 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
17:00 --- Coffee break ---
Challenge 2: Finding the underlying symmetries behind the fundamental components of matter - Alberto Casas (IFT-UAM/CSIC) Avelino Vicente (IFIC (CSIC-UV)) (until 18:30) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
17:30 Theoretical overview on "Finding the underlying symmetries behind the fundamental components of matter" - Alberto Casas (IFT-UAM/CSIC) Avelino Vicente (IFIC (CSIC-UV))   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
17:45 Experimental overview on "Finding the underlying symmetries behind the fundamental components of matter" - Emma Torró Pastor (IFIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
18:00 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
Challenge 7: Gravity - Gianluca Calcagni (IEM) Tomás Ortín (IFT) (until 13:30) (Salón de Actos CSIC)
12:30 Gravity, the theoretical frontier of the XXI century - Gianluca Calcagni (IEM)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
13:00 Discussion   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
13:30 Final discussion - Rainer Schödel (IAA) Maria Jose Costa (IFIC)   (Salón de Actos CSIC)
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