23-25 November 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Variational Quantum Eigensolver for Feynman Diagrams

24 Nov 2022, 10:00


Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología (UPV/EHU)
Física Teórica Física Teórica


Mr. Andrés Rentería (IFIC UV-CSIC)


We present a variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm for the efficient bootstrapping of the causal representation of multiloop Feynman diagrams in the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) or, equivalently, the selection of acyclic configurations in directed graphs. A loop Hamiltonian based on the adjacency matrix describing a multiloop topology, and whose different energy levels correspond to the number of cycles, is minimized by VQE to identify the causal or acyclic configurations. The algorithm has been adapted to select multiple degenerated minima and thus achieves higher detection rates. A performance comparison with a Grover's based algorithm is discussed in detail. The VQE approach requires, in general, fewer qubits and shorter circuits for its implementation, albeit with lesser success rates.


We present a variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) algorithm for the efficient bootstrapping of the causal representation of multiloop Feynman diagrams in the Loop-Tree Duality (LTD) or, equivalently, the selection of acyclic configurations in directed graphs. A loop Hamiltonian based on the adjacency matrix describing a multiloop topology, and whose different energy levels correspond to the number of cycles, is minimized by VQE to identify the causal or acyclic configurations. The algorithm has been adapted to select multiple degenerated minima and thus achieves higher detection rates. A performance comparison with a Grover's based algorithm is discussed in detail. The VQE approach requires, in general, fewer qubits and shorter circuits for its implementation, albeit with lesser success rates.

Primary author

Mr. Andrés Rentería (IFIC UV-CSIC)


Norma Selomit Ramírez Uribe (IFIC UV-CSIC) Dr. German Sborlini (Universidad de Salamanca) Luiz Vale Silva Germán Rodrigo (IFIC UV-CSIC)

Presentation Materials

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