23-25 November 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Consistent Kinetic Mixing

23 Nov 2022, 16:40


Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología (UPV/EHU)
Física Teórica Física Teórica


Patrick Foldenauer (IFT UAM-CSIC)


Extensions of the Standard Model (SM) with new Abelian gauge groups allow for
kinetic mixing between the new gauge bosons and the hypercharge gauge boson,
resulting in mixing with the photon. In many models the mixing with the
hypercharge gauge boson captures only part of the kinetic mixing term with the
photon, since the new gauge bosons can also mix with the neutral component of
the $SU(2)_L$ gauge bosons. We take these contributions into account and present
a consistent description of kinetic mixing for general Abelian gauge groups both
in the electroweak symmetric and the broken phase. These contributions are
relevant for all hidden photon models in which SM fermions are charged, like
$U(1)_{B-L}, U(1)_{L_i-L_j}$, etc.
Based on these results we derive a low-energy theorem for the couplings of novel
Abelian gauge bosons with the Standard Model Higgs boson from the one-loop
kinetic mixing amplitudes.

Primary author

Patrick Foldenauer (IFT UAM-CSIC)

Presentation Materials

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