21-23 March 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Quantum Simulation and Quantum Phase Transitions of an extended Agassi model.

22 Mar 2022, 09:15
Red Temática de Física Nuclear (FNUC) Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)


Álvaro Sáiz Castillo (Universidad de Sevilla)


Quantum simulations provide a fast-developing and powerful tool to realize the analysis of various physical systems of quantum nature and should be able to outperform classical computers and solve previously intractable problems. As such, many experimental setups are being proposed to validate the feasibility of the quantum simulation of different physical models. One prominent many-body quantum system in Nuclear Physics is the Agassi model, which is a two-level system that includes a combination of long range monopole-monopole and short range pairing interactions. An extended Agassi model that adds a more general pairing interaction, presents a very rich quantum phase diagram that gives rise to several quantum phase transitions (QPTs) of different character, making it of great interest in the field of QPTs. In this talk, we will present this model, propose an experimental setup for it's quantum simulation and analyze its QPTs using machine learning tools.

Primary author

Álvaro Sáiz Castillo (Universidad de Sevilla)


Jose-Enrique García-Ramos (University of Huelva) Jose Arias (Universidad de Sevilla) Pérez Fernández Pedro (Universidad de Sevilla) Lucas Lamata (Universidad de Sevilla)

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