21-23 March 2022
Europe/Madrid timezone

Reaction Cross Sections of the Short- and Long-lived β+ Emitters of Interest in PET Range Verification in Particle Therapy

21 Mar 2022, 15:45
Red Temática de Física Nuclear (FNUC) Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)


Carlos Guerrero (Universidad de Sevilla)


In PET-based beam range verification for particle therapy, new measurements and evaluations of the reaction cross-sections producing β+ emitters are required in order to compare the measured and simulated activity distribution in the patient.
We have conducted a comprehensive experimental campaign at several facilities using different ion beams in the therapeutic energy range and different PET imaging technologies to detect short-lived (online PET monitoring) and long-lived (offline PET monitoring) radionuclides. The following experimental data will be presented:
a) The proton-induced production of the long-lived 11C (t1/2=20 min), 13N (t1/2=9.9 min) and 15O (t1/2=2 min) isotopes produced in the main elements of the human body (C, N and O), measured at the Spanish National Center of Accelerators (CNA) up to 20 MeV, and at the West German Proton Therapy Center (WPE) from 30 up to 200 MeV.
b) The proton-induced cross-sections of the short-lived 12N (t1/2=11 ms) in C, 38mK (t1/2=0.92 s) in Ca and 29P (t1/2=4 s) in P up to 200 MeV and the carbon-induced cross-sections of 12N and 10C (t1/2=19 s) in C up to 400 MeV/u, measured at the Heidelberg Ion-Beam Therapy Center (HIT).
The relevance of the new data and future work to improve PET range verification will be discussed.

Primary authors

Mª Teresa Rodríguez González (Universidad de Sevilla) Carlos Guerrero (Universidad de Sevilla)


Claus Maximiliam Bäcker Julia Bauer Christian Bäumer Stephan Brons Mª Carmen Jiménez-Ramos (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores-Sevilla) Jorge Lerendegui Marco (Instituto de Física Corpuscular) María de los Ángeles Millán Callado (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores - Universidad de Sevilla) José Manuel Quesada (Universidad de Sevilla)

Presentation Materials

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