A Strong Scalar Weak Gravity Conjecture and Some Implications (in session "Física Teórica")
Accelerated MC simulations and image reconstruction of interest for hadrontherapy proton range verification and PET scanners (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Accelerator R&D - news (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Activation measurements of interest in protontherapy (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
AGATA: The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array for Nuclear Structure Research (in session "Plenary Session")
ANAIS−112 experiment in the search for dark matter annual modulation: two years results (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Anisotropy of Cosmic Rays Arrival Directions with AMS-02 on the International Space Station (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
B anomalies at LHCb (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
B-Flavour anomalies in b→sll transitions (in session "Plenary Session")
Blancos sólidos de He para experimentos de física nuclear básica (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Brans-Dicke as an effective Dynamical Dark Energy model (in session "Física Teórica")
BSM in ATLAS and CMS (in session "Plenary Session")
Characterization of the neutron field at the ALBA synchrotron (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Charged lepton flavor violation in low scale seesaw models (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
Charla de la gestora del Plan Nacional y discusión de la estrategia europea (in session "Plenary Session")
CMS stop searches in CMS at 13 TeV (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
COMCHA roadmap (in session "COMCHA Meeting (Computing Challenges)")
COMCHA: Computing Challenges for the HL-LHC (and beyond) (in session "Plenary Session")
Coordinate-Space Amplitudes and Time Ordered Perturbation Theory (in session "Física Teórica")
Cosmology from the Dark Energy Survey (in session "Plenary Session")
CP violation in B to three hadrons decays at LHCb (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
Dark Matter searches with the ATLAS detector (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
DarkSide-20k and R&D in LAr-TPCs at CIEMAT (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Detector R&D - calorimetry (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Detector R&D - news from AIDA++ and the CSIC platform (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Detector R&D - silicon (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
DiHiggs bosons searches with the ATLAS detector (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Discussion on the European strategy update (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Displaced di-leptons in the munuSSM at the LHC (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Drell-Yan lepton pair production using TMD distribution functions from parton branching (in session "Física Teórica")
Electron Capture and β+ decay of 8B into highly excited states of 8Be (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
est of Lepton Flavour Universality with charm semileptonic decays at the LHCb experiment (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
EW+Top+Higgs in ATLAS and CMS (in session "Plenary Session")
Fast-timing studies of $^{133}$Sn and $^{134}$Sn excited states (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Fock Quantization of the Dirac Field in Hybrid Quantum Cosmology (in session "Física Teórica")
Fragmentation functions from e+e- annihilation at Belle (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Halo effects in the low-energy scattering of 15C with heavy targets (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Heating up the chiral condensate with the Unruh thermal bath (in session "Física Teórica")
Higgs pair production via gluon fusion cross section @ NLO in the Standard Model and Beyond (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Higgs-Inflaton Mixing and Signatures at LHC (in session "Física Teórica")
Holographic Bulk Reconstruction and Cosmological Singularities (in session "Física Teórica")
Hybrid gamma imaging system for radioactive waste classification in nuclear power plants decommissioning (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Image Reconstruction of Protoacoustic Signals (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Implications of Higgs Near-Criticality (in session "Plenary Session")
Inaguración (in session "Plenary Session")
Introduction - the network for future colliders (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Kaluza-Klein Cosmology: from the general solution (M-metric) to Big Bang alternatives (Big unfreeze) (in session "Física Teórica")
Large order behavior and renormalons. SCET matching coefficient of qq production current, SCET Jet function and bHQET Jet function in the large N_f limit. (in session "Física Teórica")
Large trilinear Higgs couplings in the 2HDM compatible with present bounds (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Latest LHCb results on phi_s (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
Latest search results from the MoEDAL detector (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Lepton Universality tests in semitauonic b-hadron decays at LHCb (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
LHCb Upgrade II (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Light detection results in protoDUNE Dual-Phase at the CERN Neutrino Platform (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Light sterile neutrinos in the early universe (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
LiquidO: A Novel Neutrino Detection Technology (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Loop quantum dynamics of the primordial Universe (in session "Física Teórica")
Low pt muon triggers for upgrade: CPU and Allen (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
MACACO II results and further upgrades (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Measurement of the Electron and Positron Fluxes with AMS - 02 (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Measurement of the low-radioactivity argon for DarkSide-20k with DART at LSC (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Measurement of ttbb/ttjj in the lepton+jets and dilepton channels at 13 TeV with CMS (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Muography applied to the preventive maintenance of industrial structures (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Neutron dosimetry in pulsed fields with LINrem detectors (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
New consistent truncations of M-theory (in session "Física Teórica")
New instrumented baffles for AdV+ upgrade (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
New physics searches with neutrino experiments (in session "Plenary Session")
New Trends in Theoretical Cosmology (in session "Plenary Session")
News from CLIC (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
News from the ILC (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
NEXT: results from NEXT-White and roadmap toward the ββ0ν search (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
NNLO Virtual QED amplitude for the MUonE experiment (in session "Física Teórica")
Notes on the discovery of the universe expansion (in session "Física Teórica")
On the possible existence of 3 and 4 neutron resonances (in session "Plenary Session")
PeV neutrino signals from decaying topological dark matter (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Physics potential studies - news (in session "Red Futuros Aceleradores")
Plans of the Worlwide LHC Computing GRID (WLCG) for the Run3 and HL-LHC era (in session "Plenary Session")
ProtoDUNE-SP performance and future plans (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Protonterapia: oportunidades para experimentación en Madrid (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Quarkonia production as a probe of nucleon 3D/spin structure (in session "Física Teórica")
Rare strange decays (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
Real Time Analysis in the LHCb Upgraded detector (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Recent results from the T2K experiment (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Red LHC discussion (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
REFIS: status and prospects (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
RENATA network: current status (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Report from the 1st COMCHA school (in session "COMCHA Meeting (Computing Challenges)")
Reunión FNUC (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Review on dark matter searches (in session "Plenary Session")
Scattering Amplitudes in gauge theories (in session "Física Teórica")
Semileptonic Hyperon Decays at LHCb (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
Sesión FNUC conjunta con Investigación Orientada (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Sesión FNUC conjunta con Investigación Orientada (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Spectroscopy of N<Z nuclei: testing collectivity and isospin symmetry (in session "Plenary Session")
Status of COMCHA network (in session "COMCHA Meeting (Computing Challenges)")
Status of half-lives and beta-delayed neutron measurements for Ce to Nd r-process rare-earth peak isotopes (A~160) with BRIKEN (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Study of photon strength functions of 241Pu and 245Cm from neutron capture measurements at n_TOF (CERN) (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Supernova neutrino and proton decay detection in DUNE (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
SUSY searches at ATLAS and new directions (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
The full lepton flavor of little Higgs (in session "REFIS (Red Española de Física del Sabor)")
The global three-neutrino picture before DUNE (in session "Plenary Session")
The most energetic muons in CMS (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
The Sun at the TeV gammas, neutrons, neutrinos, and a cosmic ray shadow (in session "RENATA (Red Nacional Temática de Astropartículas)")
Time resolved out-of-field secondary neutron dose measurements in pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Top quark couplings at ATLAS (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Tri-boson production at the LHC with VBFNLO and Herwig 7 (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
TRITIUM: A Detector for Monitoring Low Tritium Activities in Water (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
ttH measurements in CMS at 13 TeV in multi-lepton final states (in session "Red Temática de Física del LHC")
Técnicas de imagen en el CNA (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Underground and ground-based neutron background spectrometry with HENSA (in session "Red FNUC (Red Temática de Física Nuclear)")
Use of a nuclear microbeam to study the radiation hardness of SiC detectors (in session "Investigación orientada, tecnología e innovación")
Include materials from selected contributions