3-5 April 2019
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Holographic zero sound

5 Apr 2019, 14:15
Building 58, Rm 1067 (University of Southampton)

Building 58, Rm 1067

University of Southampton

University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ


Ronnie Rodgers


This talk will focus on how holography can be applied to condensed matter physics. I will review the physics of zero sound in Fermi liquids, an excitation which resembles hydrodynamic sound but exists at low temperature. I will then discuss a class of holographic models which exhibit a phenomenon similar to zero sound. These holographic models describe systems which are most definitely not Fermi liquids, so the fact that they possess a zero sound-like excitation raises the question of whether other materials, in particular strange metals, may exhibit zero sound.

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