3-5 April 2019
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Future Prospects of the SNO+ Experiment

4 Apr 2019, 12:00
Building 58, Rm 1067 (University of Southampton)

Building 58, Rm 1067

University of Southampton

University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ


Lorna Nolan


The SNO+ experiment is a multi-purpose liquid scintillator neutrino experiment, with a main goal to search for neutrino less double beta decay of 130Te. In preparation for the liquid scintillator phase, the detector has been running with pure water as a detection medium for the past year. During this time, measurements of solar neutrinos with very low backgrounds have been made as well as new limits being placed on invisible modes of nucleon decay. In the future, as well as searching for neutrino less double beta decay, SNO+ will be able search for other physics including reactor antineutrinos, geoneutrinos and supernovae neutrinos. This poster will present existing SNO+ results and discuss planned measurements and their potential impact.

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