3-5 April 2019
University of Southampton
Europe/London timezone

Data-driven corrections to ATLAS electron trigger simulation

4 Apr 2019, 09:55
Building 58, Rm 1067 (University of Southampton)

Building 58, Rm 1067

University of Southampton

University of Southampton Southampton SO17 1BJ


Daniela Kock


The High Level Trigger (HLT) system used in the ATLAS detector at the
Large Hadron Collider provides high efficiency selection of a wide range of
signals. Very important targeted signatures are those where we identify single
or multiple electron candidate events in the data. This is because they
have a very wide application in many type of physics searches, like Higgs
searches, searches of physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM), as well as
Standard Model physics.
Understanding the differences in the efficiencies for the selection of such triggers
in ATLAS data compared to Monte Carlo simulation is a key preliminary
to any measurement (Standard Model as well as BSM).
the full Run II ATLAS data collected between 2015 and 2018. The differences
in efficiency between data and Monte Carlo are studied using pure electron
samples obtained from Z --> ee Monte Carlo and data. From these differences,
correction factors have been calculated and will be applied in ATLAS
by a large number of analyses.

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