With the discovery of the Higgs boson, High-Energy Physics is ready for the next step. Although there has been so far no conclusive signs of new physics from the LHC, the discovery of neutrino oscillations convincingly indicates that it is lurking somewhere, perhaps nearby. A new generation of neutrino experiments such as DUNE and Hyper-K, as well as large-scale projects like the Future Circular Collider at CERN, the International Linear Collider in Japan, or the Circular electron positron Collider and Super proton-proton Collider in China will shape the future of our field.
In this workshop, the major question of where to seek for signs of new physics will be discussed from a neutrino physics perspective. We want phenomenologists and experimentalists to come together to discuss topics related to neutrino physics of current and future interest.
Workshop partly funded by the Project PROMETEO/2018/165, Generalitat Valenciana.
-Neutrino oscillation phenomenology
-Theories beyond the Standard Model
-Current and future experiments
-Cosmological implications
Note there is a registration fee of 100 Euros to be paid in cash upon arrival. This includes coffee breaks and social dinner.
- Stefano Gariazzo
- Martin Hirsch
- Sergio Pastor
- Rahul Srivastava
- Mariam Tórtola
- José W.F. Valle
- Avelino Vicente
- Salva Centelles
- Mario Reig
- Christoph A. Ternes