Maxi San Miguel
20/07/2017, 09:00
Plenary IV-A
I will give a short overview of problems of collective social phenomena being considered from a physicist perspective and I will discuss the contribution of this perspective to the new Computational Social Sciences. I will address the
question of what can be learnt from simple models in the middle of the data deluge and illustrate the answer to this question in two contexts:
i) Voter model...
Pablo Artal Soriano
20/07/2017, 09:50
Plenary IV-A
The human eye is a simple optical system, but very well adapted to the special requirements of our visual system. A better understanding of the optical physics properties
of the eye allowed to develop new technologies to improve vision in many people. In this talk, I will revise the main optical properties of the eye and different experiments we
developed during the last decades in my...
Miguel Fernando Gonzalez Zalba
(Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory)
20/07/2017, 10:40
Quantum Materials and Technologies (GEFES)
The silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor is the workhorse of the microelectronics industry. It is the building block of all major electronic information processing components such as microprocessors, memory chips and telecommunications microcircuits. By shrinking its size generation after generation the computational performance, memory capacity and information...
Fernando Bresme
20/07/2017, 12:20
Plenary IV-A
Thermal gradients and electromagnetic fields are responsible for a wide range of nonequilibrium physical effects (e.g. Soret, Seebeck, Peltier effects), which can be exploited in
energy conversion (thermoelectrics), analytical devices, molecular and nanoparticle transport as well as colloidal assembly. We have investigated the non-equilibrium response of molecular fluids and particles to...
Carlos Hernandez-Garcia
(University of Salamanca)
20/07/2017, 13:10
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
Harnessing topological light properties paves the way towards new degrees of freedom for the observation and control of nature at extreme spatio-temporal scales. The specific spatio-temporal properties of vortex and vector beams present unique applications in fields such as quantum optics, micromanipulation, super-resolution imaging, optical communications and spectroscopy. In this...