Raúl Rica Alarcón
(Universidad de Granada)
18/07/2017, 15:15
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
La conexión de dos iones confinados en dos trampas electromagnéticas (Paul o Penning) diferentes mediante las corrientes que estos inducen en un electrodo común constituye un gran reto tecnológico que no se ha conseguido hasta la fecha. La conexión o acoplamiento daría lugar a aplicaciones de gran interés en el ámbito de la física fundamental, como son la detección de corrientes de...
Iñigo Arrazola
(University of the Basque Country)
18/07/2017, 15:35
Quantum Information
Oral parallel contribution
I will present a proposal for generating fast and robust quantum phase gates between two microwave-driven hyperfine ions, making use of a pulsed dynamical decoupling protocol. The scheme consists of a series of pi-pulses that are applied individually to each ion, whose internal level act as a qubit. Unlike previous proposals, this gate uses both axial vibrational modes as the quantum bus...
Eugenio Roldán Serrano
(Universitat de Valencia)
18/07/2017, 15:55
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
We present schemes based on the alternation between Jaynes-Cummings (JC) and
anti-JC Hamiltonians for implementing quantum walks along the number of quanta "
line", i.e., which provides new means for quantum state manipulation
Fernando LUIS
(Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón, CSIC)
18/07/2017, 16:15
Quantum Information
Oral parallel contribution
The erasure of a bit of information encoded in any physical system is an irreversible operation bound to dissipate an amount of energy Q = kBT ln 2 [1]. As a result, work W ≥ Q has to be applied to the physical system to restore the erased information content [2-4]. This limit, called Landauer limit, sets a minimal energy dissipation inherent to any classical computation. In the pursuit of the...
Álvaro Navarrete Rodríguez
(Universidad de Vigo)
18/07/2017, 16:35
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
Correct characterization of general linear optical networks is becoming a promising task due to the continuous development in some fields as quantum computation and quantum communications, in which quantum optics is typically involved. Specifically, it is of great importance in several applications to know the photon number statistics at the outputs of the linear network as a function of the...
Eduardo Sánchez-Burillo
(Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (CSIC-Unizar))
18/07/2017, 17:25
Quantum Information
Oral parallel contribution
Causality is one of the most fundamental principles in physics and it has strong implications. For instance, in QFT, the scattering matrix, the mathematical object connecting input and output free states, must follow the so-called cluster-decomposition principle, which says that the scattering amplitude factorizes as a product of single-particle amplitudes for causally disconnected input...
Gerard Pelegrí
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
18/07/2017, 17:45
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
Recent theoretical and experimental studies have shown that it is possible to simulate
artificial magnetic fields with ultracold atoms in optical lattices [1]. In particular, the possibility to
implement chiral, topologically protected edge states analogous to those found in the context of
quantum Hall physics has been demonstrated both for fermionic and bosonic atoms [2,3].
In this work,...
Weilong Wang
(University of Vigo)
18/07/2017, 18:05
Quantum Information
Oral parallel contribution
Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is proposed to remove all the detection side-channels in quantum communication systems. In recent years, MDI-QKD has been proven to be secure with certain assumptions and become a significant step toward the practicality of QKD systems. However, the assumption that there is no information leakage from the security zones of the...
Niek F. van Hulst
(ICFO - the Institute of Photonic Sciences)
18/07/2017, 18:25
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
Cavity QED is the art of enhancing light-matter interaction of photon emitters in cavities, with opportunities for sensing, quantum information and energy capture technologies. To boost emitter-cavity interaction, i.e. coupling strength 𝑔, ultrahigh quality cavities have been concocted yielding photon trapping times of µs to ms. However, such high-Q cavities give poor photon output, hindering...
Rafael Garcés Malonda
(Departament d'Òptica, Universitat de València)
18/07/2017, 18:45
Quantum and Non-linear Optics
Oral parallel contribution
Here we theoretically analyse the generation of strong vaccum squeezing in optomechanical, superconducting circuits and polariton cavities driven by a bichromatic field . This proposal has the following advantages over the usual proposals with mochromatic driving: the process is unrelated to bistability which is good for stability issues and the reduction of fluctuations takes place at a...