2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation

3 Jul 2014, 12:54
Auditorium 3A ()

Auditorium 3A

Oral presentation Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology


Dr. Jean Racker (IFIC)


We will start with a brief overview of ways to explain the similarity between the energy content of baryons and dark matter in the Universe. Then we will focus on scenarios of baryogenesis from dark matter annihilation, outlining the main ingredients. Finally we will present a variation of these mechanisms that brings a connection between the baryon asymmetry, dark matter, and neutrino masses.

Primary author

Dr. Jean Racker (IFIC)


Dr. Nuria Rius (IFIC, Valencia University-CSIC)

Presentation Materials


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