Max Klein
(University of Liverpool)
The Future Circular Collider (FCC) is a proposed facility at CERN to provide 50 TeV protons and 19.7 TeV/nucleon Pb nuclei, and up to 175 GeV electrons and positrons, in a new 80-100 km tunnel. Recently CERN has launched a study which includes the three principal modes of operation: hadron-hadron, electron-electron and hadron-electron (he) collisions. For the 'he' mode, two options exist for combining the new, FCC hadron accelerator with an electron beam: a) from the LHeC ERL installation or b) from the new electron storage ring of the FCC. The talk presents a first view on the resulting accelerator parameters, the detector concept and the physics case.
Primary author
Néstor Armesto
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)
Rogelio Tomas Garcia