Maria Zurita
(University of Santiago de Compostela)
The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) at CERN is a proposed facility for electron-nucleus scattering which will collide electrons of about 60 GeV energy beam, with the LHC heavy ion beams. The kinematic coverage extends beyond previous deep inelastic lepton-ion experiments by nearly four orders of magnitude towards lower $x_{Bj}$ and higher $Q^2$. This contribution reviews the possibilities for eA studies at the LHeC plus its relation with the LHC PbPb and pPb programs. After an introduction on the open problems in pA and eA collisions and their expected impact on the heavy-ion program, we show inclusive observables and new results on the resulting constraints on nuclear parton densities. We then analyse the possibilities for inclusive and exclusive diffraction and the opportunities that they offer to reveal the non-linear dynamics which should tame the low-$x$ growth of parton densities. Finally, we discuss semi-inclusive measurements that will clarify the mechanism of hadronisation and QCD radiation inside the nuclear medium.
Primary author
Néstor Armesto
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela)