2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Fermilab Accelerator Complex Proton Improvement Plan II

3 Jul 2014, 13:25
Sala 1 ()

Sala 1

Oral presentation Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders Accelerator Physics and Future Colliders


Steve Brice (Fermilab)


Fermilab has proposed a plan for upgrading the Fermilab proton accelerator complex using Superconducting Radio Frequency Linac that would deliver in excess of 1 MW proton beam to the neutrino production target at the initiation of the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment. The plan is structured to deliver, in a cost effective manner, more than 1 MW of beam power to LBNE while creating a flexible platform for longer-term development of the Fermilab complex to multi-MW capabilities in support of a broader research program, as future resources become available.

Primary authors

Dr. Stephen Peggs (BNL) Dr. Toshiaki Tauchi (High Energy Accelerator Reserach Organization, KEK)

Presentation Materials


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