2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Polarized top and Charged Higgs boson

5 Jul 2014, 17:15
Auditorium 1 ()

Auditorium 1

Oral presentation Brout-Englert-Higgs physics BEH Physics


Prof. Shou-hua Zhu (ITP, Peking University)


The charged Higgs boson is quite common in many new physics models. In this study we examine the potential of observing a heavy charged Higgs boson in its decay mode of top-quark and bottom-quark in the Type-II Two-Higgs-Doublet-Model. In this model, the chirality structure of the coupling of charged Higgs boson to the top- and bottom-quark is very sensitive to the value of \tan\beta. As the polarization of the top-quark can be measured experimentally from the top-quark decay products, one could make use of the top-quark polarization to determine the value of \tan\beta. We preform a detailed analysis of measuring top-quark polarization in the production channels gb\to tH^- and g\bar{b}\to \bar{t}H^+. We calculate the helicity amplitudes of the charged Higgs boson production and decay.Our calculation shows that the top-quark from the charged Higgs boson decay provides a good probe for measuring \tan\beta, especially for the intermediate \tan\beta region. On the contrary, the top-quark produced in association with the charged Higgs boson cannot be used to measure \tan\beta because its polarization is highly contaminated by the t-channel kinematics.

Primary author

Prof. Shou-hua Zhu (ITP, Peking University)

Presentation Materials


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