2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Search for low-mass CP odd Higgs boson

5 Jul 2014, 11:30
Auditorium 1 ()

Auditorium 1

Oral presentation Brout-Englert-Higgs physics BEH Physics


Mr. Rocky So (University of British Columbia)


Searches for low mass CP-odd Higgs boson (A0) predicted in non-minimal supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, have been performed at BABAR studying the radiative decays of the Y(nS) resonances, with n=1,2,3. Stringent limits on the production of a light Higgs boson have been set from a variety of decay channels, as A0 to lepton pairs, gluon gluon and q qbar.

Primary author

fabio anulli (INFN Rome)

Presentation Materials

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