2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Charm final states at HERA

4 Jul 2014, 15:45
Sala 3+4 ()

Sala 3+4

Oral presentation Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics


Dr. Michel Sauter (ETH Zurich)


Recent measurements of final states including charm hadrons observed at the HERA collider are presented. The H1 and ZEUS collaborations combined their D* differential cross section measurements and reach precisions as good as 5-10%, whereas the theory uncertainties are much larger. Using the ZEUS experiment, D* production was measured at different centre-of-mass energies. The production of D1 and D*2 mesons were also measured. Charm fragmentation fractions were obtained for various charm hadrons and are found to be compatible with data collected at e+e- colliders. Finally, the production of inelastic J/psi mesons in the hadronic final state is investigated.

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