Fujio Naito
Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) has stated the beam extraction to the neutrino experiment (T2K) and the hadron experiments since 2009. However J-PARC had two big troubles during last three years: 1st one was induced by the Great East Japan Earthquake happened in March 2011 and the second one was caused by the radioactive material leak from hadron experimental hall in May 2013. Fortunately the damage to the accelerators from both troubles has been fixed and J-PARC has resumed the beam delivery to users. The achieved beam power for T2K is 240kW which is one third of design value of 750kW. In this report, the status of the high power operation is described. Furthermore it is also described for the issues to be fixed in order to achieve the design beam intensity.
Primary author
Fujio Naito