2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

JUNO: A Next Generation Reactor Antineutrino Experiment

4 Jul 2014, 09:45
Auditorium 3B ()

Auditorium 3B

Oral presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Dr. Liang Zhan (Institute of High Energy Physics)


After the discovery of the large neutrino mixing angle 13, the next generation neutrino experiments focus on the measurement of the neutrino mass hierarchy and the leptonic CP violating phase. JUNO, a next generation reactor antineutrino experiment, was proposed to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy independent of the CP phase. We studied the sensitivity and found the mass hierarchy can be determined with a 3σ significance after 6 years of running using a 20 ktons detector with an energy resolution of 3%/√Evis at a 45-60 km baseline. This is a multi-purpose experiment, which can also measure the neutrino mixing parameters sin^2theta_12,DeltaM^2_32 and DeltaM^2_21 with a precision better than 1%. In addition, supernova neutrinos, geo-neutrinos, sterile neutrinos as well as solar and atmospheric neutrinos can be studied with this experiment. JUNO was approved in 2013 and the R&D progress will be reported.

Primary author

Dr. Liang Zhan (Institute of High Energy Physics)

Presentation Materials


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