Roman Nevzorov
(University of Adelaide)
We study the decays of the SM-like Higgs state within
the $E_6$ inspired supersymmetric (SUSY) model based
on the SM gauge group together with an extra $U(1)_{N}$
gauge symmetry under which right--handed neutrinos have
zero charge. To ensure anomaly cancellation and gauge
coupling unification the low energy matter content of
this SUSY model involves three $27$ representations of
$E_6$ and a pair of $SU(2)$ doublets from additional
$27$ and $\overline{27}$. In addition, we impose
a $\tilde{Z}^{H}_2$ symmetry to forbid tree--level
flavor--changing transitions and the most dangerous
baryon and lepton number violating operators. This model
contain at least two states which are absolutely
stable and can contribute to the dark matter density.
One of them is the lightest SUSY particle (LSP) which
is expected to be lighter than $1\,\mbox{eV}$ forming
hot dark matter in the Universe. The presence of another
stable neutral state which is the lightest ordinary
neutralino can account for all or some of the observed
cold dark matter density. In this SUSY model the
next--to--lightest SUSY particle (NLSP) also tend
to be light. We argue that the NLSP with GeV scale
mass can result in the substantial branching ratio of
the nonstandard decays of the SM--like Higgs boson
into NLSPs.
Primary author
Roman Nevzorov
(University of Adelaide)
Sandip Pakvasa
(University of Hawaii)