2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Constraints on new phenomena through Higgs coupling measurements with the ATLAS detector

4 Jul 2014, 16:25
Auditorium 1 ()

Auditorium 1

Oral presentation Brout-Englert-Higgs physics BEH Physics


Swagato Banerjee (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


The discovery of the Higgs boson opens many perspectives to explore physics beyond the Standard Model. This talk describes constraints of new physics in a number of models using the combined measurements of the coupling strength of the 125 GeV Higgs particle using the entire ATLAS run-I data. The various models presented include an additional real electroweak singlet, two Higgs doublet models, a simplified Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, and a Higgs portal to dark matter.

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