2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Electromagnetic interactions of neutrinos: a window to new physics

5 Jul 2014, 10:30
Auditorium 2 ()

Auditorium 2

Oral presentation Neutrino Physics Neutrino Physics


Prof. Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University and JINR-Dubna)


A wide review on neutrino electromagnetic properties and interactions is presented, both theoretical and experimental aspects of the problem are discussed. It is shown that these studies open a window to new physics. The talk is based on the recent wide review on the subject available on web since March 25, 2014: C.Giunti, A.Studenikin, “Electromagnetic interactions of neutrinos: a window to new physics”, arXiv: 1403.6344 March 25, 2014, 72 pages and more than 350 references.

Primary author

Prof. Alexander Studenikin (Moscow State University and JINR-Dubna)


Prof. Carlo Giunti (University and INFN of Turin)

Presentation Materials


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