2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Netzwerk Teilchenwelt: A German programme on Particle Physics Education and Outreach

4 Jul 2014, 09:00
Sala 2 ()

Sala 2

Oral presentation Education and Outreach Education and Outreach


Dr. Uta Bilow (TU Dresden)


Netzwerk Teilchenwelt is a German network of HEP scientists, high school students, and teachers in direct contact with CERN. It aims at sharing the excitement of particle and astroparticle physics research. Scientists from 24 research institutes work with students and teachers to bring cutting edge research to the classroom. Programmes in particle physics and astroparticle physics are offered on four levels, ranging from one-day activities like a masterclass at school up to workshops at CERN and research projects at universities and institutes. Local projects happen throughout the year, every second school day Netzwerk Teilchenwelt organizes a masterclass somewhere in Germany. Netzwerk Teilchenwelt also focuses on the development of context material that can be used in classrooms.

Primary author

Dr. Uta Bilow (TU Dresden)


Prof. Michael Kobel (TU Dresden)

Presentation Materials

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