2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Exclusive semileptonic B decays to high-mass charm hadrons

5 Jul 2014, 12:30
Sala 3+4 ()

Sala 3+4

Oral presentation Flavour Physics Flavour Physics


Dr. Thomas Lück (University of Victoria)


The experimental knowledge of semileptonic B decays to a D or D* meson with one or more pions is limited. These limitations are relevant to two experimental puzzles: the tension between the values of Vcb determined from inclusive and exclusive semileptonic decays, and the gap between the sum of the exclusive semileptonic B decays to charm and the inclusive b -> c l nu rate.  The full BABAR data set is used to improve the precision on decays involving D(*) pi l nu and to search for decays of the type D(*) pi pi l nu.  Fully-reconstructed hadronic B decays are used to tag events and provide good resolution on the discriminant variable U = E_{miss}-P_{miss}. A simultaneous fit to charged and neutral B decays to D(n\pi) and D*(n\pi) decays is used to extract relative branching fractions.  In addition to studying these high mass charm final states, the data are used to determine a precise measurement of the ratio of branching fractions for B -> D l nu / B -> D* l nu.

Primary author

fabio anulli (INFN Rome)

Presentation Materials

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