2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

Inclusive diffraction and tests of QCD factorisation at HERA

4 Jul 2014, 16:15
Sala 3+4 ()

Sala 3+4

Oral presentation Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics Strong Interactions and Hadron Physics


Dr. Karel Cerny (Czech Tecnical University Prague)


Results from diffractive deep-inelastic scattering with a leading proton detected in forward spectrometers are presented. Data from the two experiments H1 and ZEUS, using the FPS and LPS spectrometers, respectively, are combined in a common phase space. New four-differential measurements using the VFPS installed at the H1 experiment are also presented. A QCD factorisation theorem is tested by comparing diffractive jet production data to QCD predictions based on fits to inclusive diffractive cross section data. H1 measured dijet production with a leading proton detected in the VFPS, both in deep-inelastic scattering and in photoproduction. The DIS measurements are complemented by measurements of dijet production with an associated rapidity gap.

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