Mitsuru Kakizaki
(University of Toyama)
The supersymmetric SU(5) grand unified theory whose gauge symmetry is
broken by virtue of the Hosotani mechanism naturally realizes the huge
mass splitting between the colored Higgs triplet and the electroweak
Higgs doublet superfields, and predicts the existence of adjoint
chiral multiplets with masses of the order of the supersymmetry
breaking scale as a byproduct. The low-energy Higgs sector is
extended to contain an SU(2)_L triplet chiral superfield with
hypercharge zero and a neutral singlet as well as the ordinary
electroweak Higgs doublets. We investigate the effects from the new
triplet and singlet chiral multiplets on the predictions of the
couplings of the standard model-like Higgs boson and the masses of the
additional Higgs bosons. We show that our model can be differentiated
from others through precision measurements of the couplings and masses
of the Higgs sector particles. Our model serves as a good example of
grand unification testable at colliders such as the luminosity
up-graded Large Hadron Collider and future electron-positron
Primary author
Mitsuru Kakizaki
(University of Toyama)