2-9 July 2014
Valencia, Spain
Europe/Madrid timezone

A new way to search for right-handed currents in semileptonic $B \to \rho \ell \bar\nu$ decay

5 Jul 2014, 13:00
Sala 3+4 ()

Sala 3+4

Oral presentation Flavour Physics Flavour Physics


Mr. Sascha Turczyk (University of Mainz)


There exist a long standing tension among determinations of the CKM matrix element $|V_{ub}|$ from various (semi)leptonic $B$ decay channels with varying significance of up to $\sim 3\sigma$. An interesting possibility to ease this tension is to allow for a right-handed contribution to the standard model left-handed weak current mediating the $b\rightarrow u$ quark decay. The current bounds on such a contribution are fairly weak. We propose a new way to search for such a right-handed current in semileptonic $B$ meson decay to $\rho$ mesons. We describe a new variable that we propose, and discuss the theoretical uncertainties. Especially we investigate the uncertainties and their correlations among all contributing form factors with the assumed $z$-expansion for its shape, valid over the whole $q^2$ range. Then we study the achievable sensitivity both from the available Babar and Belle data sets, as well as from an anticipated $50\,{\rm ab}^{-1}$ at Belle~II.

Primary authors

Mr. Florian Bernlochner (Humboldt University Berlin) Mr. Sascha Turczyk (University of Mainz) Mr. Zoltan Ligeti (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)

Presentation Materials


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