Shengsen Sun
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
We measured the asymmetry A_CP of branching ratios of D0—> K-pi+ in the CP-odd and CP-even eigenstates to be (12.7+/1/3+/-0.7)% based on 2.92fb-1 of data accumulated at psi(3770) at BESIII/BEPCII. The A_CP can be used to extract the strong phase difference delta_Kpi between the double Cabbibo-suppressed process D0b —> K-pi+ and the Cabbibo-favored process D0—>K-pi+. Using the world-average values of external parameters, we obtain cos(\delta_{K\pi}) = 1.02+\-0.11+/-0.06+/-0.01.Here, the first and second uncertainties are statistical and systematic, while the third uncertainty arises from the external parameters. This is the most precise measurement of \delta_{K\pi} to date.
We perform an analysis of the D+—>KsPi+pi0 Dalitz plot analysis use a data set of 2.92 fb-1 e+e- collisions at psi(3770) mass accumulated by the BESIII Experiment. The Dalitz plot is found to be well-represented by a combination of six quasi-two-body decay channels(Ks rho, Ks rho(1450), K*0bar pi+, K*0(1430)bar pi+, K(1680)bar pi+ and kapa0bar pi+) plus a small non-resonant component. Using the fractions from this analysis, partial branching ratios are updated with higher precision than previous measurements.
Primary author
Changzheng YUAN
(IHEP, Beijing)