3 February 2025
Campus Burjassot
Europe/Madrid timezone

The Flavourful Physics Workshop aims to provide a platform for physics researchers from the LGBTQIA+ community who often face discrimination in their professional environments and experience challenges in advancing their careers. The event will feature a mix of awareness-raising talks on inclusivity and diversity, alongside physics-focused presentations from researchers who actively support and promote the LGBTQIA+ community. The first edition will take place at the Instituto de Física Corpuscular in the Salon de Actos del Edificio de Cabecera del Parque Científico de la Universitat de València the 3rd of february 2025.

Invited speakers:

  • David Vallés (UV)
  • Karen Macías Cárdenas (IFT)
  • Aidan Robson (Glasgow Univ.)
  • Selene Parra Aedo (IFIC CSIC-UV)
  • Raffaella Bonino (UniTo)
  • Sela Andreu Muñoz (Diversitats UV)

Organizing Comittee:

  • Agnese Tolino (Chair)
  • Ana Martín Galán
  • Josu Hernández García
  • Neus López March
  • Pokhee Saharia
  • Sonja Orrigo

This conference has received funding from the GVA Research Project CIDEXG/2022/20, the PROMETEO grant CIPROM/2021/054, the PID2021-124912NB-I00 grant and the Distintivo de acreditación en igualdad de género of the CSIC.





Campus Burjassot
Salón de Actos del Edificio de Cabecera del Parque Científico de la Universitat de València
Instituto de Ciencia de los Materiales Campus Universitario de Paterna c/ Catedrático José Beltrán, 2 46980 Paterna (Valencia)
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