Seminars IFIC

Topical Seminar: Low-scale leptogenesis in the scotogenic model

by Prof. Juan Racker (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)

1001-Primera-1-1-1 - Paterna. Seminario (Universe)

1001-Primera-1-1-1 - Paterna. Seminario



We will present a study of leptogenesis from the decay of the lightest sterile neutrino in the scotogenic model with a scalar dark matter candidate. Our analysis focuses on the possible exponential suppression of washouts for sizable values of the inert Higgs mass and the crucial role of some spectator processes for this to happen. We show that leptogenesis can be successful for TeV-scale masses of the lightest sterile neutrino for both, thermal and zero, initial abundances of the neutrinos. Moreover, leptogenesis is viable for Yukawa couplings of the heavier sterile neutrinos large enough to yield observable charged lepton flavor violation processes in current and planned experiments.

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