24-25 June 2013
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Micro-gap gaseous detectors at Zaragoza University

25 Jun 2013, 10:00
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Thomas Alva Edison, 7 Parque Tecnológico Cartuja'93 41092 Sevilla SPAIN


Dr. Diego Gonzalez Diaz (Universidad de Zaragoza)


Micro-gap gaseous detectors are a high-end technological family capable of reaching ultimate accuracy in the determination of energy (11%@5.9keV), time-of-flight (sub-50ps@ionizing radiation) and position (20um@ionizing radiation), depending on the architecture (micro-megas or multi-gap) and electronics of choice (charge or broad-band current sensing). The performance/cost figure of these solutions for the detection of X-rays or ionizing radiation remains unrivaled over large areas (1m2- 1000's m2). Concerning issues like time and position accuracy or radio-purity they actually represent the state of art of nowadays technology in many fields of application. For rare event searches (e.g. dark matter, neutrino-less double beta decay), the combined performance (energy and position accuracy, low workable threshold below 0.5keV, radio-purity) makes them an extremely promising technology, that has been for instance at the birth of the EU-funded TREX-project currently ongoing in Zaragoza University. We will present results from a number of micro-gap architectures, developed in partnership with several international centers, obtained at the recently built lab at the Faculty of Science of the University of Zaragoza. In particular, we will focus on developments towards CAST(CERN), NEXT(Canfranc LSC), aimed at ultimate energy and position resolution, and sensor radiopurity. Recent developments on Radon monitoring and prospects for time resolution will be also summarized.
Oral or poster presentation oral

Primary author

Dr. Diego Gonzalez Diaz (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Presentation Materials

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