24-25 June 2013
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)
Europe/Madrid timezone

Added Value Solutions: Experiences in the field of particle physics. From the CAD-station to the real world.

25 Jun 2013, 12:15
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Thomas Alva Edison, 7 Parque Tecnológico Cartuja'93 41092 Sevilla SPAIN


Dr. Jose Miguel Carmona (AVS)


Added Value Solutions is a company focused on the development of challenging devices and mechanisms. From particle accelerators to space missions, including installations for in-situ mechanization of nuclear powered submarines parts or windmill blades, the main objective is to boldly grow joining innovative and challenging R&D projects whilst helping public institutions to reach its own objectives. AVS skills in design, manufacturing, integration, tests and delivery under ISO 9100 certification provided the path to work with renowned institutes in the field of nuclear and particle physics i.e. CERN, CIEMAT, STFC, RAL, ILL, HZB, ESRF… Different shades of projects like XFEL, HIE-ISOLDE, IFMIF, ISIS or ESS-Bilbao were reached, covering from the source to the target of current state of art particle accelerators and beyond. In addition, AVS has recently spread out its presence in the fields of astrophysics and space (ESA). In this work, a brief description of AVS and projects already delivered will be presented. Comments from the experience on the two sides of the transfer technology coin will be presented also as a seed for subsequent discussions in the topic.
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