24-25 June 2013
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)
Europe/Madrid timezone

“A detection system to obtain 2D dose maps for Complex Radiation Therapy Treatment Verification”

Not scheduled
Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Centro Nacional de Aceleradores (CNA)

Thomas Alva Edison, 7 Parque Tecnológico Cartuja'93 41092 Sevilla SPAIN


Ms. maria del carmen ovejero mayoral (universidad de sevilla)


Radiation and particle therapy are techniques widely used in cancer treatments, in continuous progress. In this context, new systems for complex radiotherapy treatment verification are being developed. RADIA is the Seville collaboration which involves the Department of Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics (FAMN) and the Engineering School of the University of Seville (US), the Basic Nuclear Physics group at CNA, the Virgen Macarena Hospital and the private company Inabensa S. A. RADIA was established to study the feasibility of using silicon strip detectors to verify complex radiotherapy treatments [1-4]. In addition to RADIA, the Department of FAMN and CNA took part into the “Diagnostic Techniques for future particle Accelerators Network” (DITANET), and take part into other European projects such as the international collaboration “Fragments and Ions Relevant for Space and Therapy” (FIRST) and “optimization of Particle Accelerators” (oPAC). In this contribution we focus on the description and first tests of a new detector and its particularly designed DAQ, which are part of a specifically conceived and developed dose verification system, in order to improve the spatial resolution and the acquisition time for the verification of a whole treatment. The novel online system is composed by: a) the new detector; b) the data acquisition system (DAQ); c) a control interface for the DAQ; d) a mechanical phantom also specifically designed to store the detector minimizing the air gap; e) reconstruction algorithms for the dose map and Monte Carlo simulations. Through the collaboration between the University of Seville and the private Spanish company ATI Sistemas S.L., a dual chip 32x32 single sided silicon strip detector was proposed to Micron Semiconductor Ltd. (UK), which was the company responsible for constructing it. This is the first silicon strip detector in which the whole composition is based specifically on clinical constraints. A new data acquisition system with 64 channels has been specifically designed for this application, with the capability of reading every strip of the detector, allowing to take the maximum advantage of its sensitivity. We present the study of the response of the DAQ versus the characteristics of the integrator of the current generated by the radiation. This study aims to optimize the capacitors charge curve as a function of the applied radiation. REFERENCES: 1) Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 2, pp. 191-196 (2011); 2) Radiotherapy and Oncology, vol. 99, suppl. 1, p. S172 (2011); 3) Nuclear Instruments and Methods A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment– NIM A 673 (2012) 98-106; 4) Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams 15, 042802 (2012).
Oral or poster presentation Poster

Primary author

Ms. maria del carmen ovejero mayoral (universidad de sevilla)


Dr. Alfredo Pérez Vega-Leal (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. Jose Manuel Espino (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. Marcos Aurelio G. Alvarez (Universidad de Sevilla) Mrs. María Cristina Battaglia (CNA) Dr. María Isabel Gallardo (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. Miguel Cortés Giraldo (Universidad de Sevilla) Mr. Raul Núñez Martín (Universidad de Sevilla) Dr. Ziad Abou-Haidar (CNA)

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