Belle II Physics Week


The 2022 Belle II Physics Week will be an hybrid (in-person and online) gathering mainly dedicated to Belle II experimentalists and with selected talks from theorists and colleagues from other experiments.

All collaborators are invited to join IFIC in Valencia (Spain) for in-person attendance. For all others online participation will be possible.

This year's topic is Getting the most out of our LS1 sample and perfecting tools for the long haul. The main goals of the week are:

  • Continue the B2TiP effort, identifying with experts the most important physics observables and what the community expects from Belle II;
  • Cover in depth specific topics relevant to the 2022-2023 Belle II physics program;
  • Train young Belle II members on analysis;

The week includes plenary sessions on phenomenology, detectors, and benchmark analyses along with in-person hands-on work in the hub of Valencia (Spain).

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Alex Bondar (BINP/UNovosibirsk  —  Physics case for the energy scan)
  • Javier Fuentes-Martin (UGranada) — Quark-flavor phenomenology
  • Alessandro Gaz (UPadova/INFN — PID corrections: Why?How?)
  • Taichiro Koga (KEK — Triggering)
  • Samo Korpar (UMaribor — PID detectors)
  • Peter Lewis (UBonn — All you wanted to know about FEI)
  • Kodai Matsuoka (KEK  — SuperKEKB and Belle II operations)
  • Leo Piilonen (VT—RPC detector and Belle II KL reconstruction)
  • Alberto Ramos (IFIC/UValencia -- Lattice QCD for flavor physicists)


Plenary lectures will be recorded. In-person hands on will be conducted on-site. 

For more information, check the following link:



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