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The DUNE experiment consists of four 17 kton liquid-argon far detector modules in separate cryostats. The technology choices for the first two modules have been established and are being implemented as part of the experiment’s Phase I. The third and fourth modules will complete the DUNE Far Detector. These modules provide opportunity for further development of liquid-argon or alternate detector technologies in support of the DUNE physics goals.
The DUNE Collaboration invites the broader particle physics community to participate in a workshop to explore options for expanded physics opportunities and novel detector technologies for these "modules of opportunity" that will be part of DUNE’s Phase II. The meeting will address how to improve the DUNE’s primary physics program and how to broaden the physics scope of the experiment. The meeting will cover all major aspects of liquid argon TPC technology, including proposals for improvements in tracking, photon detection, electronics, high voltage, electronics and data-acquisition, considering improvements in detector integration, installation and background reduction. New detector concepts that can satisfy and expand the DUNE physics goals are also encouraged.