November will be the kick-off month for the AI Initiative for Science. We will have weekly talks and activities, including a two-day conference with keynote speakers.
Apart from the well-structured timetable of the conference, the rest of the talks during the workshop will be scheduled along the way, depending on the availability of speakers, while the rest of the time will be devoted to discussion and interaction among the participants.
(please register at the conference indico page --see above--)
ZOOM: Zoom link, please click here
PHYSICAL meeting: Sala de seminarios del IFIC. Room 1.1.1
YOUTUBE channel (recordings) : click here.
Agenda of talks during the month:
- Nov. 10th 11:00. Welcome (the organizers)
- Nov. 10th 11:15. AI for Art: paintings and music. Johannes Hirn
- Nov. 17th 10:00. Machine Learning at galactic and cosmological scales. Pablo Villanueva
- Nov. 18th 10:00. Reconstructing the halo clustering and halo mass function of N-body simulations using neural simulation-based inference. Androniki Dimitriou
- Nov. 22th 10:00. Dark Matter distribution in external galaxies with Machine Learning. Martín de Los Ríos
- Nov. 29th. 12:00. Signal-agnostic dark matter searches in direct detection data with machine learning. Andre Scaffidi
- Dec. 9th. 11:00. Hyper-parameter’s uncertainty estimation for Machine Learning with Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory. Guilherme Telo
This event is supported by Generalitat Valenciana and CSIC, project ref. CIDEGENT/2020/055