Computing Challenges meeting (COMCHA)

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    • 15:00 15:10
      COMCHA meeting: GPUs, FPGAs and other accelerators 10m
      Speaker: Arantza Oyanguren (IFIC- Valencia)
    • 15:10 15:30
      Deep Neural Network Implementation in FPGAs 20m
      Speakers: Jose Luis Ortiz (IFIC), Luca Fiorini (IFIC / U. Valencia)
    • 15:30 15:50
      Ipanema-β: tools and examples for HEP analysis on GPU 20m
      Speaker: diego martinez santos (cern)
    • 15:50 16:00
      Introduction and activities at USE 10m
      Speaker: Daniel Campora (CERN)
    • 16:00 16:20
      Computing paths from HEP to innovation 20m
      Speaker: Kiko Albiol (Contrato)
    • 16:20 16:40
      HEP Software Foundation (HSF) 20m
      Speaker: Graeme Stewart (CERN)
    • 16:40 17:00
      Discussion 20m
      Speaker: all
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