Jose Miguel Rodriguez-Espinosa
(Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias)
18/07/2017, 15:15
Mrk622 is a double-peaked narrow emission line galaxy and a dual AGN candidate. New optical long-slit spectroscopic observations clearly show the existence of three spatially separated narrow components in their emission lines, two of them blue and red-shifted respectively with respect to a third one that is found to be at the systemic velocity. The velocity offset between the blue-shifted and...
Minia Manteiga
(Universidad de A Coruña)
18/07/2017, 15:40
Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are among the most beautiful objects that can ever be observed in the sky with a small size telescope. They present a variety of shapes, from circular, multi-shell, hour glass to butterfly-like, all usually with a high degree of symmetry. They are the irrefutable proof that stars are not immutable objects, but they change with time, they evolve and, often, they have a...
Marco A. Alvarez
(Universidade de A Coruña)
18/07/2017, 16:05
Gaia is one of the key missions of the European Space Agency (ESA), which will conduct a census of the Milky Way with unprecedented accuracy. It is expected to perform observations of an estimated one billion objects, representing roughly 1% of the objects in our Galaxy. It constitutes the biggest amount of data gathered to date and to perform such a task, the Data Processing and Analysis...
Castro-Tirado Alberto J.
18/07/2017, 16:30
I will show the technological developments implied in the set up of the worldwide BOOTES Network of 60cm robotic telescopes, as well as a summary of the scientific results achieved so far.
Francesca Figueras
(Universitat de Barcelona)
18/07/2017, 17:25
The first Gaia Data Release (Gaia-DR1, 14 September 2016) has set the stage for a profound revolution of galactic astronomy. The first released catalogue, named TGAS (Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution), contain parallaxes and proper motions with unprecedented accuracy for about two million well-behaved stars placed in the solar neighborhood. In this talk, we will first review the content of this...
Miguel Ángel Satorre Aznar
(Centro de Tecnologías Físicas (Universitat Politècnica de València))
18/07/2017, 17:50
Los datos obtenidos de la misión “New Horizons” han confirmado la presencia de hidrocarburos en la superficie de Plutón. Elementos como metano, etano, eteno y acetileno, se habían propuesto como componentes de dicha superficie a partir de observaciones con diferentes instrumentos terrestres y de simulaciones basadas en datos de laboratorio.
A diferencia de otros objetos trans-neptunianos, la...
Jose Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa
(Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias)
18/07/2017, 18:15
We have performed a search for Lyman Alpha sources around two spectroscopically con- firmed star forming sources in the Subaru Deep Field. Deep imaging of this field has resulted in a large number of Lyman Alpha sources potentially related to the two strong star forming sources. Deep GTC/OSIRIS multi-object spectroscopy of a selected sample of these sources has resulted in the spectroscopic...
Efecto de la temperatura en la velocidad de desorción de moléculas. Implicaciones astrofísicas.
Miguel Ángel Satorre Aznar
(Centro de Tecnologías Físicas (Universitat Politècnica de València))
18/07/2017, 18:40
Para el estudio de la evolución química y física de la materia en el espacio, es crucial comprender los mecanismos de interacción entre fase sólida y gaseosa.
Hasta ahora el estudio del proceso de desorción de hielos se ha centrado en la energía de desorción. Ésta se ha relacionado con la interacción entre moléculas en estado sólido, ya sea con la misma especie o con otras. Dicha interacción...