Miguel Antonio Cortes-Giraldo
(Universidad de Sevilla)
18/07/2017, 15:00
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
The number of facilities offering ion radiation therapy to cancer patients has steadily increased over the last decades, being proton therapy the hadron therapy modality more extended as of today [1]. In general, the main advantage of proton beams, as compared with photon conventional radiotherapy, is related to the shape of the depth dose distribution curves they produce, with a sharp maximum...
Joaquin L. Herraiz
(University Complutense of Madrid)
18/07/2017, 15:25
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
Multiplexed PET (mPET) is a new imaging technique able to provide separated images of the biodistribution of two radiotracers based on their standard double coincidences and the triple coincidences generated by one of them. In this work, we evaluated the feasibility of using mPET to improve and facilitate the kinetic analysis of studies with monoclonal antibodies (mAb). By simultaneously...
Carlos Guerrero
(Universidad de Sevilla)
18/07/2017, 15:40
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
La verificación de la posición del pico de Bragg durante el tratamiento de tumores con haces de protones es uno de los aspectos clave para una mayor eficacia de la protonterapia. Entre las distintas técnicas que se están proponiendo y que ya se están utilizando en pacientes se encuentra la medida de la distribución de núcleos radioactivos + (conocidos como isótopos PET) producidos por el haz...
Gabriela Llosa
18/07/2017, 15:55
Física Médica
Oral parallel contribution
La detección de los rayos gamma emitidos por el tejido irradiado constituye una interesante alternativa a las técnicas PET utilizadas en la actualidad para la monitorización del tratamiento en terapia hadrónica. Con esta finalidad, el grupo IRIS del IFIC ha desarrollado un telescopio Compton basado en cristales centelleadores de Bromuro de Lantano acoplados a fotomultiplicadores de silicio...
A. Damián Domínguez Muñoz
(Universidad de Sevilla)
18/07/2017, 16:15
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
Las técnicas en radioterapia están en continua evolución. Su objetivo es conseguir una distribución de dosis tal que sea máxima en la zona tumoral y mínima en el tejido sano para evitar efectos secundarios no deseados. El desarrollo de técnicas avanzadas en radioterapia conlleva una mayor complejidad en los tratamientos, lo que hace necesario un desarrollo paralelo de técnicas de...
Daniel Esperante Pereira
(IFIC - U. de Valencia / CSIC)
18/07/2017, 16:30
Física Médica
Oral parallel contribution
General interest has been shown over the last years for compact and more affordable facilities for hadron-therapy. The High-Gradient (HG) know-how and technology for normal-conducting accelerating RF (Radio-Frequency) electron linac (linear accelerator) structures recently developed for projects such as CLIC (CERN), has raised the achievable accelerating gradient from 20-30 MV/m up to 100-120...
yolanda prezado
18/07/2017, 17:15
Física Médica
Oral parallel contribution
Radiotherapy (RT) has a key role in cancer treatment. In fact, about half of the patients will receive RT at some point during their illness. Despite remarkable advancements in RT over the last two decades, significant limitations remain: the tolerance of surrounding normal tissues constitutes a ceiling on tumour doses. In consequence, the treatment of some radioresistant tumours (e.g....
Paula Ibáñez
(Grupo de Física Nuclear, Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Facultad de CC. Fïsicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, CEI Moncloa, Madrid, Spain)
18/07/2017, 17:35
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
In this work we present a dose calculation algorithm that computes dose distributions for low-energy X-rays intra-operative radiation therapy with INTRABEAM within minutes, fully taking into account the different structures of the patient. A detailed validation against Monte Carlo simulations have been performed, and a good agreement (2%-1 mm gamma evaluation) was reached.
Anna Baratto-Roldán
(Centro Nacional de Aceleradores - Universidad de Sevilla)
18/07/2017, 17:50
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
In the last decade, hadrontherapy has gained a great interest in the medical community for its excellent clinical results, leading to the construction and installation of dedicated accelerators in hospital-based clinical centres around the world. Therapy with protons is, by far, the most largely charged particle technique used, having reached a good degree of perfection in...
Jacobo Cal-Gonzalez
(QIMP group, Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna)
18/07/2017, 18:05
Nuclear Physics
Oral parallel contribution
Background: Recent studies suggest that 18F-NaF PET enables visualization and quantification of plaque micro-calcification in the coronary tree. However, PET imaging of plaque calcification in the coronary arteries is challenging because of the respiratory and cardiac motion as well as partial volume effects. The objective of this work is to implement an image reconstruction framework, which...
Jacobo Cal-Gonzalez
(QIMP group, Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna)
18/07/2017, 18:05
Nuclear Physics
Introduction: Besides the conventionally used radionuclides for PET (18F, 11C and 13N), alternative radionuclides such as 68Ga, 124I and 82Rb have been proposed for PET imaging and hundreds of PET radiotracers based on these radionuclides have been developed. Two challenges arise with the use of these radionuclides: their large positron range, which compromises the achievable spatial...