Jose Benlliure
(University of Santiago de Compostela),
carlos pajares
18/07/2017, 09:00
Plenary II
Investigación en Física en España: Implicación en Infraestructuras Cientifico Técnicas Singulares y participación en Organismos Internacionales
Rainer Blatt
18/07/2017, 11:10
Plenary II
In this talk, the basic toolbox of the Innsbruck quantum information processor based on strings
of trapped Ca+ ions will be reviewed. For quantum computation, a scalable Shor algorithm was
realized [1] with a string of trapped Ca+
ions. Towards scaling the trapped ion quantum
computer, we encode one logical qubit in entangled states distributed over seven trapped-ion
qubits. We...
Victor Malka
18/07/2017, 12:00
Plenary II
In many domains, modern science relies on robust technology, and advanced technology relies on basic fundamental research. Fundamental researches on superconductivity, even if some aspects are not yet fully understood, have conducted to the discovery of many
applications such as magnetic resonance imaging or superconducting cavities that are now used in modern accelerators, which have been...