24 October 2014
UV Parque Cientifico
Europe/Madrid timezone

Neutrino oscillation phenomenology: three-flavor analyses and beyond

24 Oct 2014, 15:30
Salon de Actos -1st floor- (UV Parque Cientifico)

Salon de Actos -1st floor-

UV Parque Cientifico

Paterna (Valencia)


María Amparo Tortola (IFIC, Valencia)


I will present an updated global fit to neutrino oscillation data within the three-flavour framework. The most recent data from solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments are included in our analysis together with the latest results from the long-baseline accelerator experiments T2K and MINOS and the recent measurements of reactor neutrino disappearance reported by Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO. I will also comment on future prospects on neutrino oscillation experiments. Finally I will briefly discuss about the possibility of serching for new physics with neutrino oscillation experiments.

Presentation Materials

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