Salon de Actos -1st floor- (UV Parque Cientifico)

Salon de Actos -1st floor-

UV Parque Cientifico

Paterna (Valencia)
    • 09:30 10:10
      Status of Higgs Effective Theories 40m
      With the discovery of a scalar resonance at ATLAS and CMS, the understanding of the electroweak symmetry breaking origin seems a much closer goal. Deviations from SM couplings are different for theories of new physics based on a non-linear realisation of the SU(2)xU(1) gauge symmetry breaking and those assuming a linear realisation. In this talk, I will review and compare the effective Lagrangians of the linear and non-linear realisations and discuss some phenomenological signals.
      Speaker: Luca Merlo (IFT, Madrid)
    • 10:15 11:05
      SUSY custodial Higgs triplets and breaking of universality 50m
      An extension of the MSSM with Higgs triplets can be of great help to alleviate the little hierarchy problem. We show that such an extension (a supersymmetric version of the Georgi-Machacek model) in agreement with electroweak data does exist. The main smoking gun of the model, apart from the rich phenomenology with singly and doubly charged scalars and fermions, can be the possible breaking of the W/Z universality.
      Speaker: Mariano Quiros (IFAE, Barcelona)
    • 11:15 11:30
      Coffee Break 15m
    • 11:30 12:10
      Seesaw scale vs Cosmology 40m
      I will study the simplest extension of the SM that can account for neutrino masses: the Type-I seesaw. The model introduces a New Physics scale, M, which is often assumed to be much larger than the electroweak scale. However, it is presently unconstrained and the light neutrino masses and mixing can be generated for any value of M above eV. Its determination is one of the most important open questions in neutrino physics. Paying special attention to the contribution of the sterile states to $N_{eff}$ as a function of M, I will show that a large part of the M parameter space can be excluded thanks to cosmological measurements. The implications for neutrinoless double beta decay will also be discussed.
      Speaker: Jacobo Lopez Pavon (SISSA, Trieste)
    • 12:15 13:05
      Cosmology and fundamental physics: some examples 50m
      Cosmology has made the transition to precision science. This opens up the possibility to test fundamental physics with cosmological observations. I will present some examples and discuss potential and challenges of this approach.
      Speaker: Licia Verde (ICC, Barcelona)
    • 13:15 14:45
      Lunch break 1h 30m
    • 14:45 15:25
      Theoretical Status of Inflationary Cosmology 40m
      Inflation is by far the leading theory explaining the initial conditions of our universe. Its predictions are consistent with all existing experimental probes, yet it lacks firm observational evidence. I will give an overview of the theoretical status of inflationary scenarios, in a model-independent way. I will explain how inflationary predictions are related to fundamental physics and what are the ensuing theoretical problems.
      Speaker: Lotfi Boubekeur (IFIC, Valencia)
    • 15:30 16:10
      Neutrino oscillation phenomenology: three-flavor analyses and beyond 40m
      I will present an updated global fit to neutrino oscillation data within the three-flavour framework. The most recent data from solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments are included in our analysis together with the latest results from the long-baseline accelerator experiments T2K and MINOS and the recent measurements of reactor neutrino disappearance reported by Double Chooz, Daya Bay and RENO. I will also comment on future prospects on neutrino oscillation experiments. Finally I will briefly discuss about the possibility of serching for new physics with neutrino oscillation experiments.
      Speaker: María Amparo Tortola (IFIC, Valencia)
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