30-31 July 2013
Asia/Tokyo timezone
BRIKEN: Beta delayed neutron emission measurements at RIKEN
The main goal of this workshop is to bring together the nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics communities to discuss the possibility to set-up the world largest detection system for Beta-delayed neutrons at RIKEN -BRIKEN- in order to measure the most exotic nuclei that can be accessed nowadays.
As a follow-up meeting from the previous BRIKEN Workshop hold in Valencia (17-18 December 2012), the 2nd BRIKEN Workshop will take place at the RIKEN Nishina Center, and will focus on i) the conceptual design for the neutron detection system and ii) the main scientific goals and physics cases, that will be presented in the December NP-PAC at RIKEN.
BRIKEN is an open international colloboration (to join send an email to briken.project@gmail.com), which presently involves contributions from CIEMAT, Daresbury Laboratory STFC, GSI, IFIC CSIC-UVEG, JINR, NSCL-MSU, ORNL, RIKEN Nishina Center, Tokyo University, TRIUMF, Universitat de Catalunya, University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool, University of Tennessee, Louisiana State University, Mississippi State University and University of Warshaw.
RIKEN Nishina Center, Tokyo, Japan
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